Ryan Davidson Headshot
Ryan Davidson

Hello, I'm Ryan Davidson!

A Technical Designer and Gampelay Programmer with a strong balance of technical, interpersonal, and creative problem solving skills.

About Me

A Computer Science Graduate from the University of Denver, my technical proficiencies supplement my design insights and communication abilities. I'm seeking an entry level role where my skills will enable me to collaborate across disciplines to find the fun

My background

I'm a Gameplay Programmer and Technical Designer with hands-on experience developing numerous gameplay systems, as well as managing the timelines set by our team to meet deadlines throughout the game development pipeline.

I'm able to develop optimized and highly scalable gameplay systems and use sound game design principles to guide this development. This enables rapid iteration to ensure designs are intuitive, engaging, and fun.

My Skills

Unreal Engine
Creative Storytelling
Game Design
Public Speaking
Project Management

I combine my technical and design expertise with my communication skills to thrive as an interdisciplinary liaison. I'm able to actualize creative ideas within technical constraints, preserve design intentions during implementation, and rapidly iterate on gameplay protypes as we bring our ideas to reality.

To view more of my skills, feel free to download my resume below.

view resume

My Projects I've worked on several projects including game jams, longer form personal projects, and a professional contract.

A Gameplay Screenshot

ModelRunner - Paid Contract

Unreal - C++ - Solo Project - Programmer and Designer

A game Created on a one month paid contract for Studio SE to serve as an attraction for a trade show.
As the Designer, I outlined and executed a concept within provided specifications, and managed design constraints such as short development time and minimal user experience levels.
As the Programmer, I implemented and tested all systems within tight deadlines on a self-planned schedule. Core features included randomization and a dynamic leaderboard.

  • Bitwise Key

    Unreal Engine - C++ - Sole Programmer and Designer

    A first person 3D Metroidvania Roguelike. Players progress through a randomized world by collecting abilities in a self-determined order.
    Key features include State tree-based enemy AI, Randomization and Reset Mechanics via Event Delegates, and Character Movement Controls.

  • A Gameplay Screenshot
A Gameplay Screenshot

Star Charger

Unity - C# - Programmer and Producer

Bullet hell space shooter where the player must dodge asteroids, collect energy, and gain speed to shoot for a high score.
I designed, prototyped, and implemented mechanics for energy and speed, Built the User Interface and Object Pooling systems, and parameterized values. to keep design flexible.
As Producer, I also acted as a Project Manager, coordinating source control, planning milestones, and delegating tasks for the team in the game development pipeline.


Unity - C# - Programmer and Project Manager

An Exploration and time management survival horror game. Explore a haunted city, managing your resources and relying on lamps as your only source of safety.
I programmed the HUD and underlying resource mechanics and Iterated on level design to balance difficulty.
As Project Manager I Coordinated team members to manage features and maintain an effective asset workflow.

A Gameplay Screenshot
A Gameplay Screenshot


Godot - GDScript - Programmer and Designer

Bullet hell top down shooter. Players collect pellets to increase size, which is linked to health, ammo, and speed.
As a Programmer, I implemented the character controller and attached scaling system, and resolved issues with the object pooling infrastructure.
As a Designer, I spearheaded the design process and fine tuned the scaling values

View More Projects

Contact Feel free to reach out via email at ryan.r.davidson.dev@gmail.com and I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible